Sunday, June 28, 2009

Diet Coke Does Not Stain!!

Great news for anyone out there who hates stains as much as me. I am completely neurotic when it comes to staining clothing. I literally pick out clothes for various events with the likelihood of staining in mind. I would never wear white to an Italian restaurant, for example...

Anyway, last night my husband and another couple went to an outdoor bar for some drinks. We were having a fabulous time - I had my mojito and sushi and everything was great. But THEN, my husband and his friend started discussing tennis and my (lack of) athletic ability. Now while this is no secret, last night I was feeling a bit sensitive. So a bit of drama ensued and this ended with my husband accidentally knocking over my diet coke. It proceeded to spill ALL over my lap! I was shocked and the other couple was cracking up because I had mentioned earlier in the night that my dress was a dry clean only favorite I had picked up at the Molly B store on Martha's Vineyard. I quickly grabbed the cloth napkins from the table and sopped up as much as I could. I was totally embarassed (not to mention wet) which was magnified by these older women at the table next to me loudly saying "Oh that sucks!" Not very classy (they weren't very classy) but it didn't help matters. So, to avoid a scene, I quietly asked my husband for the keys and walked out to the parking lot...

We ended up going to another bar and laughing about it later. But the best news of all - this morning I checked my dress - NOT a stain to be found!! Absolutely NO marks at all!! I am going to bring it to be cleaned on Monday, but I am thrilled it wasn't ruined.

Here is the book I absolutely swear by and here is also a website that probably has the same information for free!!


As promised, I have returned to my blogging attempt. First of all, I have to say that it is is quite challenging! Perhaps this is the hardest part, but I have been getting SO frustrated trying to get all of the colors/backgrounds just right. I am probably being a bit of perfectionist, but I am seriously having issues with blogger!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009



~Once upon a time, a twenty-six year old preppy newlywed was googling some of her favorite things - Lilly Pulitzer, vineyard vines, and cupcakes. In this search, she stumbled upon some adorable blogs. From these blogs, she found more blogs and all of a sudden realized what a great outlet a blog can be! ~

Over the past few months I have really enjoyed reading blogs. For a while, I held off creating my own blog for a couple of reasons. One, I didn't have a ton of time... Hello Summer Vacation! Two, I couldn't think of a fitting blog title... I would like to thank my wonderful husband for helping me overcome obstacle number two! There was also one other reason that I am little embarassed to post... I didn't think I could really think of anything interesting to blog about.

But, then when I started to comment on so many of the great blogs I have been reading I decided to give it a try!! After all, I DO have a lot to say and hopefully you will find my observations and musings entertaining.

I have been reading and following a few blogs, but have just NOT have any time to make this blog at all attractive or funny!

If you have stumbled upon my blog from my comments all I can say is... check back after June 22!!